functional programming, permaculture, math

Happy and Alex Part 2: MVP

In my last post I gave a brief introduction to Happy and parser generators. In this post I will continue the story with Happy's counterpart Alex.

We will write an MVP parser for an Untyped Lambda Calculus. In a subsequent post we will improve the design with proper error handling and spans. Like last time, all code is available in the git repo.

Alex, like Happy, is a DSL used to construct Haskell modules. From the Alex docs:

Alex takes a description of tokens based on regular expressions and generates a Haskell module containing code for scanning text efficiently.

At it's simplest alex takes in a set of token definitions and then outputs a scanner function String -> [Token], where Token is some provided lexeme type.

Alex File Syntax

Here is a complete Alex file taken from the documentation:

module Main (main) where

%wrapper "basic"

$digit = 0-9      -- digits
$alpha = [a-zA-Z] -- alphabetic characters

tokens :-

  $white+                        ;
  "--".*                         ;
  let                            { \s -> Let }
  in                             { \s -> In }
  $digit+                        { \s -> Int (read s) }
  [\=\+\-\*\/\(\)]               { \s -> Sym (head s) }
  $alpha [$alpha $digit \_ \']*  { \s -> Var s }

-- Each action has type :: String -> Token

-- The token type:
data Token =
  | In
  | Sym Char
  | Var String
  | Int Int
  deriving (Eq,Show)

main = do
  s <- getContents
  print (alexScanTokens s)

The elements of an Alex file are:

  1. Haskell code wrapped in curly brackets.
  2. Wrapper declarations.
  3. Macro Definitions.
  4. Rules.

The structure of an Alex file is (in order):

  1. Some Haskell code (optional).
  2. Wrapper declaration (optional).
  3. Macro Definitions (optional).
  4. Rules.
  5. Additional Haskell code (optional).

Rules are the only required element, but in practice you will use a little bit of everything.

Wrapper Declarations

Wrappers are predefined bits of code that extend the functionality of Alex. For example, there is a wrapper to add position tracking and another to add monadic effects. The docs give an overview of wrappers, but it is best to just look at the source code.

In this post, we will use basic wrapper. It gives you alexScanTokens :: String -> [token] which we will use as the entry point to our lexer.


Rules are the only required element in your Alex file and are the meat and potatos of the lexer. A rules block is declared with id |- followed by a series of rule statements.

A rule statement consists of a of a regex pattern (or macro definition) and either a chunk of Haskell code wrapped in curly brackets or a semicolon:

$digit+ { \s -> Int (read s) }

Rules are translated into Haskell functions whose type is determined by our wrapper implementation. To be more precise, rule function's type is the a param in the AlexReturn type. Our basic wrapper implements alexScanTokens which recursively consumes the String (or ByteString) input and constructs a list of tokens.

If we were to forgo the basic wrapper and write out own custom scanner then we would be abe to dictate the type signature of our rule functions.

In the example above and in the arithmetic language parser from the last post the signature was String -> Token. We can see the function definitions in our arithmetic lexer from last time.

Regex matching respects the longest match rule which references the regex match which consumes the greatest number of characters.

When a match is found, then an AlexReturn value is constructed. If the rule contains a chunk of Haskell code then that chunk of code is returned inside the AlexToken data constructor. If the rule has a semicolon rather then a chunk of Haskell code to return, then an AlexReturn value with the AlexSkip data constructor is used.

The AlexReturn term is then consumed by alexScanTokens function, in the case of the basic wrapper, or by whatever scanner function we chose to define.

  1. Contexts

    Rules can also have a right and left context which are added before or after your regex respectively.. Contexts allow you to match on the characters before and after your lexeme.

    Left Context allows you to match on the beginning of a line via the ^ character:

    ^ $alpha [$alpha]* { \s -> Identifier s }

    This rule will only match a string of alpha characters immediately following a newline char.

    Right context is more powerful and has three forms:

    1. $ : The rule will only match if it is immediately preceding a newline char.

    2. / regex : This rule will only match if its regex match is immediately followed by the additional provided regex.

    3. / { … } : This rule applies a Haskell predicate function on the rule to determine if it matches.

      The predicate function's type must be:

      { ... } :: user       -- predicate state
          -> AlexInput  -- input stream before the token
          -> Int        -- length of the token
          -> AlexInput  -- input stream after the token
          -> Bool       -- True <=> accept the token
  2. Start Codes

    Another powerful tool for writing Alex rules are Start Codes. They allow you to add state to your lexer. I am going to hold off discussing them until a later post but they are really useful for things like string templating.

The Lexer

For a minimal Untyped Lambda Calculus using the traditional syntax we will need the following lexemes:

data Token
  = Identifier String
  | Lambda
  | Dot
  | OpenParen
  | CloseParen

Our intial lexer is very straight forward:

module Lexer where

%wrapper "basic"

$digit = 0-9
$alpha = [a-zA-Z]
$alphanum = [a-zA-Z09]

tokens :-

-- Whitespace insensitive
$white+                       ;

-- Comments
"#".*                         ;

-- Syntax
\\                            { \_ -> Lambda }
\.                            { \_ -> Dot }
\(                            { \_ -> OpenParen }
\)                            { \_ -> CloseParen }
$alpha [$alpha $digit \_ \-]* { \s -> Identifier s }

data Token
  = Identifier String
  | Lambda
  | Dot
  | OpenParen
  | CloseParen
  deriving Show

lexer :: String -> [Token]
lexer = alexScanTokens

alexScanTokens is supplied by the basic wrapper and we bind it to lexer for convinence.

There isn't a whole lot to say about this lexer. It does pretty much what you expect:

> lexer "\\x. y x"
[Lambda,Identifier "x",Dot,Identifier "y",Identifier "x"]
> lexer "\\x. y x # this is a comment"
[Lambda,Identifier "x",Dot,Identifier "y",Identifier "x"]

Note: we had to escape the \ because we are in a Haskell repl.

The main issues are that it provides no safe error handling and provides no spans:

> lexer "[\\x.x]"
*** Exception: lexical error
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at templates/wrappers.hs:336:32 in main:Lexer

If you look at the source for alexScanTokens you can see that it simply calls error for any lex errors.

We will fix these shortcomings soon, but lets move on to the parser for now.

The Parser

Now that we have a String -> [Token] lexer function, we can implement our Happy parser. In my last post I described the basic syntax of a Happy file. Here I will include a complete Happy file and go over some of the specific syntax not mentioned in the last post.

module Parser where

import qualified Lexer as L

%name parser expr
%tokentype { L.Token }
%error { parseError }


ident  { L.Identifier $$ }
lambda { L.Lambda }
'.'    { L.Dot }
'('    { L.OpenParen }
')'    { L.CloseParen }


  : lambda ident '.' ap { Abs $2 $4 }
  | ap                  { $1 }

  : ap atom { Ap $1 $2 }
  | atom { $1 }

  : '(' expr  ')' { $2 }
  | ident { Var $1 }

parseError :: [L.Token] -> a
parseError [] = error "ParseError: Empty token stream."
parseError (tok:_) = error $ "ParseError: Unexpected token '" <> show tok <> "'."

data Term =
    Var String
  | Abs String Term
  | Ap Term Term
  deriving Show

Lines beginning with % are known as Directives. These are input to the Happy parser generator.

In this file we use:

In addition to our directives, the happy file can be bookended with Haskell code like the Alex file.

We can now execute our parser in the repl and build an AST:

> parser $ lexer "\\x. y x"
Abs "x" (Ap (Var "y") (Var "x"))
> parser $ lexer "\\x. y x # this is a comment"
Abs "x" (Ap (Var "y") (Var "x"))

Final Thoughts

Here we have built a minimally complete lexer and parser for Untyped Lambda Calculus. The implementation is available here along with all other lexers and parsers for this series.

In my next post we will rewrite this parser without the basic wrapper while adding spans and error handling. Then in a subsequent post I will move on to a more complex language requiring monadic state.